Mobile Training Team Information

Upon request, Naval Justice School (NJS) can conduct the Senior Leader Legal Course (SLLC), Intermediate Leader Legal Course (ILLC), and Legal Officer Course (LOC) for Navy or Marine Corps commands by mobile training team (MTT). In FY22 and FY23, NJS completed FLTMPS certified courses in Japan, Hawaii, and several CONUS locations.

Courses Offered and Mobile Training Team Requirements

NJS currently offers the SLLC, ILLC, and LOC as MTT courses. These courses include the same instruction as course offerings at the NJS Detachments, and students will receive FLTMPS certification.

To request an MTT course, please review the MTT Letter to Requesting Command. Then, fill out the MTT Request Form and return it to the listed POCs.

The requesting command is responsible for:

  1. All costs associated with instructor travel and lodging, (This will likely be for 2-3 instructors and will include a rental car if instructors flew to TAD location, and travel must include at least one additional day prior to the convening date to set up course materials),
  2. Coordination of cross org for DTS funding,
  3. Advertising the course(s), receiving registrations of qualified students, and ensuring minimum class student numbers are met with students who meet the criteria for attending the course, such as current or detailed triad members for the SLLC or designated legal officers and adjutants for the LOC (CONUS minimum: 25, OCONUS minimum: 30),
  4. Securing adequate spaces for the course that meet the technology and space requirements, this includes working Wi-Fi, a large screen for the instruction PowerPoint with an HDMI connection and sound capabilities, and enough seats for all students and instructors with tables and electrical outlets to charge tablets/laptops, and
  5. Providing a point of contact from your command who will be available to the NJS instructors before the course to provide information on location and then will be onsite throughout the entire course to help with tech, or other issues and to respond to local area questions from the students.

POCs for MTT Requests and Questions:

All MTT requests and questions should be sent to both of the following POCs:

  1. ​LCDR Stacy E. Saxon, JAGC, USN, FLLT Program Manager, at DSN 841-3800 x 111, (401) 841-3800 x 111, or
  2. LCDR Catherine Crochetiere, JAGC, USN, LOC Program Manager, at (202) 747-4423, or