NCIS SJA Presents Law Enforcement Public Service Award to Interagency Investigative Team

July 9th, 2019

Lt. David Layne, staff judge advocate, Executive Assistant Director for Atlantic Operations Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS), presented a public service award to members of the NCIS, Defense Criminal investigative Service, Internal Revenue Service, and Federal Bureau of Investigation for their work in the case of United States v. Randolph M. Prince. Lt. David Layne, staff judge advocate, Executive Assistant Director for Atlantic Operations Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS), presented a public service award to members of the NCIS, Defense Criminal investigative Service, Internal Revenue Service, and Federal Bureau of Investigation for their work in the case of United States v. Randolph M. Prince.

The case, which Layne prosecuted in United States District Court in the Eastern District of Virginia, involved a Navy Explosive Ordnance Disposal lieutenant who defrauded the Navy of over $2,000,000.00 over the course of two years.  The investigation led to guilty pleas for not only Prince, but also three other co-conspirators.  The complex procurement fraud investigation lasted over two years, and involved hundreds of subpoenas, dozens of search warrants, and dozens of witness interviews across the country. The case, which Layne prosecuted in United States District Court in the Eastern District of Virginia, involved a Navy Explosive Ordnance Disposal lieutenant who defrauded the Navy of over $2,000,000.00 over the course of two years.  The investigation led to guilty pleas for not only Prince, but also three other co-conspirators.  The complex procurement fraud investigation lasted over two years, and involved hundreds of subpoenas, dozens of search warrants, and dozens of witness interviews across the country.

The defendant in the case, Prince was a veteran of more than twenty years who oversaw his unit’s procurement process.  Over a two year period in 2014-2015, Prince directed a San Diego based government vendor to subcontract dozens of procurements of “inert training aids” to sham companies run by Prince’s associates.  Despite the fact that these companies did nothing at all, Prince signed delivery slips suggesting that his unit had received goods from the businesses.  The money spent on the procurements was in turn distributed amongst the conspirators for personal gain, and to pay off Prince’s gambling debts. At the annual award ceremony held at Norfolk’s Slover Library, Layne thanked the investigators for their dedication to the two-year investigation.  Initially, Prince denied any knowledge of wrongdoing.  The defendant in the case, Prince was a veteran of more than twenty years who oversaw his unit’s procurement process.  Over a two year period in 2014-2015, Prince directed a San Diego based government vendor to subcontract dozens of procurements of “inert training aids” to sham companies run by Prince’s associates.  Despite the fact that these companies did nothing at all, Prince signed delivery slips suggesting that his unit had received goods from the businesses.  The money spent on the procurements was in turn distributed amongst the conspirators for personal gain, and to pay off Prince’s gambling debts. At the annual award ceremony held at Norfolk’s Slover Library, Layne thanked the investigators for their dedication to the two-year investigation.  Initially, Prince denied any knowledge of wrongdoing. 

However, after compiling volumes of business records and bank documents, and interviewing dozens of witnesses, the investigators were able to put together a case that was simply overwhelming, and resulted in Prince’s ultimate plea of guilty to wire fraud and false statement.  Layne also remarked on the teamwork exhibited by the agents, and that the prosecution was effective because of the their methodical approach to this complicated white-collar investigation. Ultimately, Prince was sentenced to over four years imprisonment and ordered to pay over $2,000,000.00 in restitution to the government. However, after compiling volumes of business records and bank documents, and interviewing dozens of witnesses, the investigators were able to put together a case that was simply overwhelming, and resulted in Prince’s ultimate plea of guilty to wire fraud and false statement.  Layne also remarked on the teamwork exhibited by the agents, and that the prosecution was effective because of the their methodical approach to this complicated white-collar investigation. Ultimately, Prince was sentenced to over four years imprisonment and ordered to pay over $2,000,000.00 in restitution to the government.