Why Civilian

Support U.S. Service Members

You'll have the chance to make important contributions by supporting your military colleagues and serving our Nation. Service members will look to you to assist with their legal needs. The members of the Navy JAG Corps will look to you to assist with the administration of their legal work.

Become a Subject Matter Expert in Your Field

Civilian career opportunities are tremendously varied. Think about almost any career in the private sector and we likely have positions in that field too. As a civilian, you will be or work to become an expert in your profession. You won't have just a job, you'll have the possibility of a career that is fulfilling both professionally and personally.

Provide Service Continuity in an Ever-Mobile Military Environment

As a civilian, you become the corporate knowledge and are sought out for your expertise. You military teammates rely on you to retain the essential knowledge of your field of expertise.

Become Part of a Global Organization

As a Navy civilian, you see the results of what you do and how your work has a direct impact on people and nations. With the Navy JAG Corps you'll contribute to setting the legal bar for the U.S. and the world, making our country safer and stronger.

Serve Your Country From a Legal Office

The JAG Corps has offices around the world providing legal guidance and assistance to our country's heroes. Join our team.