Command & Trial Services

Region Legal Service Offices (RLSO) provide legal assistance, military justice, and command services legal advice to Navy (and Marine Corps upon request) commands located within their area of operation, as well as other functions and tasks necessary in support of the mission and core capabilities of the Navy Judge Advocate General’s Corps. The highest priority will be given to fleet and operational units, particularly those deployed or preparing to deploy. The information provided is for educational and general information purposes only. It is not legal advice. Speak with a licensed attorney before relying on the information contained within the website to make a decision or take any action.


Command Services

We provide advice in the following subject areas: Administrative Law, Admiralty, Administrative Separations and Processing, Disciplinary Options, Freedom of Expression and Grievances, Homeland Security, Interactions with Civilian Law Enforcement Agencies, Subpoenas, JAGMAN Investigations, Military Justice, Operational Law, Personnel Matters, Standards of Conduct and Government Ethics.

Trial Services

We provide advice on matters that are prosecutorial in nature (i.e., related to the prosecution of a member of your command at court-martial).